Field of Streams

The Tall Order of the Creative Sweet Spot

Janeen McCrae

Did you know that we’re taller in the morning? Gravity and lying down overnight has a lot do with it. Along with being taller, I am also more creative in the morning. It is my “creative tall” time. When do you feel like you are at the height of your creative powers? And when is it OK to be small? Let’s talk about it. 

Go behind the scenes and themes of this episode with a video and related links here:

Related reading:
"You’re taller in the morning." - Interesting Facts article

This is an audio reading of the post “The tall order of the creative sweet spot” originally published on August 21, 2024. Additional creative inspirations can be found at that link.

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About Field of Streams
This podcast provides audio readings of The Stream newsletter's main feature. The Stream is written by Janeen McCrae, and aims to provide a weekly dose of personal essays and creative inspirations that'll get you revved up to 'make the thing.'

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