Field of Streams
Audio readings of original writing from the creative newsletter, The Stream, written by Janeen McCrae and designed to inspire you to get out and make the thing. Subjects range from writing and art to just some generally odd stuff about what it is to be creative. Sometimes essays, sometimes humor, sometimes creative exercises.
Field of Streams
"..and the draft horse you rode in on."
After several failed attempts at writing a book, I'm taking another crack. To give myself a pep talk, I consulted writers and scoured the internet for advice on the first draft and have concluded that to get through the first draft, you just have to keep PULLING THE PLOW. Don't stop and look back at the field until the field is done.
"Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way." - E.L. Doctorow
Agree? Disagree? How you approach a first draft?
Watch the Behind the Scenes video about first drafts, with Stephen King, Anne Lamott and more, here:
This is an audio reading of the post "...and the draft horse you rode in on", originally published on June 26, 2024. Additional creative inspirations can be found at that link. https://janeenmccrae.substack.com/p/and-the-draft-horse-you-rode-in-on
About Field of Streams
This podcast provides audio readings of The Stream newsletter's main feature. The Stream is written by Janeen McCrae, and aims to provide a weekly dose of personal essays and creative inspirations that'll get you revved up to 'make the thing.'
Dip a toe into the stream and sign up for my free ramblings here